Extend the Life of Your Sump Pump

Published on April 28th, 2022

Sump pumps in Massachusetts, as with other areas around the country, are a necessary part of your home. The key to maintaining the system and extending its lifespan is in the maintenance. Just as you should inspect your roof and furnace periodically, you should inspect your sump pump system to ensure that everything is in good working order.

Here are some more tips on how to extend the life of your sump pump:

  • Check the pump route: Older systems may direct its output to the sanitary sewer. This may be against current plumbing codes, so check to make sure what your local by-law is. If it does go to the sewer, it must be redirected elsewhere in order to avoid paying a fine.
  • Know what type of system you have: Familiarize yourself with your sump pump and its parts. Does it have a battery backup in case of electrical failure? Is it hard-wired into your home’s electrical system? Is it a pedestal or submersible sump pump? Knowing the answer to these questions can help you troubleshoot problems when they arise.
  • Conduct a visual inspection every few months: When you know the various parts of your pump you will be able to spot potential problems faster. Visually inspect your sump pump every few months and look for loose or missing pieces, rust, etc.
  • Contact a professional when needed: If you have a very old system, you may need professional help from time to time. If you notice water getting into your basement, don’t wait! Call a qualified technician at Basement Technologies to solve the problem.
  • Make sure it’s being used: A sump pump needs to be used to run properly every time. A system that runs too much or too little can shorten its overall lifespan.
  • Be proactive: Don’t wait until you notice a problem to do something. Visual inspections and regular maintenance will help your sump pump last. When it’s time to upgrade, call a professional.

Importance of Sump Pump Maintenance

If you don’t maintain your system, you could be dealing with unfortunate consequences, the most common being a flooded basement. When water gets into your basement it can cause all kinds of further problems, such as cracks and foundation issues. Sump pumps in Massachusetts need to be properly inspected and maintained, just like other components of your home. Contact Basement Technologies for additional information!